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Book Cover Desing, Editorial, Social-Media, Moving Image

A collection of book cover designs.

On this page I will be posting a collection of some of my favourite book cover designs and editorial design work.

Book Cover and Social-Media promotional animation for Frederike Harms.

In her book "The Side Hustle Solution" Frederike tells stories, actionable advice and practical tips highlighting the path to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams without sacrificing other areas of your life. Based on the strategies she developed while building her own successful side hustle business and refined while working with other clients, here she outlines seven things you need to do before starting your own business.

From the Award-Winning Publisher of Authors & Co & International Bestselling Author, Abigail Horne.

"Your Story Starts Here" is a journey into the power and magnitude of what it means to spark magic in the world and leave a legacy. It will teach you how to write and release that purpose within you and give you the skills that you need to become an author that truly influences change in the world.

Abigail is a globally recognised expert in her field having helped hundreds of authors to achieve their writing goals and become THE ONE that people want to invest in.

Secrets of the Divine Business Code’ has been channelled by Kelly Vikings, an intuitive, inspiring, heart-led Business Leader, Mentor, Author & Speaker.

This book is for heart led, fiercely driven, enterprising soulpreneurs to successfully navigate a new online business world.

"bring the original and unforgettable book to new readers. The design should ensure that this important book remains a must-read for every child."

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

Shortlisted for the Penguin Random House award-winning competition, my take on the cover design for the children's book "Wonder" which is about Auggie who is the new kid in the fifht grade, but in addition to being new, he has a facial deformity. Often when he is in public people stare at his deformity, but Auggie himself feels invisible. Therefore as his sister said in the book, "August is the sun and every other planet are just people orbiting the sun and Daisy is just there as she is the only one not caring what he looks like or judges him by his appearence.".

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